Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Monday, March 27, 2006

Office 2007 Document: Developer Overview of the User Interface for the 2007 Microsoft Office System A developer-oriented review of the user interface for the 2007 release of the Microsoft Office System including a discussion of the impact of the redesigned UI on custom solutions.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
- Access 2003/2002/2000 Sample: Multiple Column Reports database The Multiple Column reports sample database for Microsoft Access contains sample reports that demonstrate creating telephone book style multiple column reports.
- Access 2003 Sample: Inside Out Sample Files This download contains sample files that accompany articles excerpted from the book Access 2003 Inside Out.
- Access 2003/2002/2000 Sample: Basing One Combo Box on Another Sample Database This sample database, for the Basing One Combo Box on Another column on Office Online, includes an example form that demonstrates how to limit what appears in one combo box based on the choice you make in another combo box.
- Access 2003/2002 Sample: Using Parameters with Queries and Reports Sample Database This sample Microsoft Access database provides example forms, queries, and reports that demonstrate using query parameters, as well as using a custom form to supply parameters to a query or report.
- Access 2000 Sample: Database of Sample Forms The Access 2000 Database of Sample Forms provides sample user forms that demonstrate how to perform a wide variety of tasks such as bringing a subtotal from a sub form to a form, and how to disable command bar items.
- Access 2003 Sample: Using Automation with Access and Outlook This download provides a sample Access file for use with the MSDN article "Using Automation in Microsoft Office Access 2003 to Work with Microsoft Office Outlook 2003."
- Access 2003/2002/2000 Sample: On time and how much has elapsed Use this sample database file to learn how to calculate elapsed time.
- Access 2000 Sample: Query Topics The Access 2000 Sample: Query Topics database contains examples of useful database queries, including crosstab, union, and join queries.
- Access 2000 Sample: Report Topics The Access 2000 Sample: Report Topics database contains sample reports that demonstrate how to perform a variety of reporting tasks.
- Access 2003 Sample: Animating Microsoft Office Access 2003 Learn different methods of animating Microsoft Office Access 2003. These include using the Animation ActiveX control, the Timer control, and animating the Office assistant.
- Access 2003 Sample: Performing Mail-Merges Using XML Data Learn how to perform a mail merge programmatically from Microsoft Office Access 2003 using an external XML data file and the Mail Merge feature of Microsoft Office Word 2003.
- New XML Features in Access 2003 Sample Use these files to learn how to import, export, and transform XML data programmatically into Access.
- Access 2002 Add-In: Security Manager The Microsoft Access 2002 Security Manager enables the database-security administrator to make knowledgeable security decisions as the database and its workgroup evolve.
- Access 2000 Add-In: Security Manager The Microsoft Access 2000 Security Manager enables the database-security administrator to make knowledgeable security decisions as the database and its workgroup evolve.
- Office 2003 Sample: XMLCase Study (Contoso)Learn how to create an XML solution using applications from the Microsoft Office System in the context of a pharmaceutical company.
- Access 2002 Sample File: Design Databases with Forms and Excel Learn how to use Excel to create prototypes of your Access databases with this sample spreadsheet.
- Access 2002 Sample File: Design Databases with Forms and Excel Learn how to use Excel to create prototypes of your Access databases with this sample spreadsheet.
- Access Workflow Designer Call-Tracking Sample Team Solution This sample is provided in conjunction with the MSDN Library article, "Microsoft® Access Workflow Designer Call-Tracking Sample Team Solution.
- Microsoft Jet SQL for Access 2000 - Sample 1 These three downloadable samples are provided in conjunction with a series of MSDN Library articles that discuss how to use Microsoft® Jet SQL with data from an Access 2000 database.
- Microsoft Jet SQL for Access 2000 Sample 2 These three downloadable samples are provided in conjunction with a series of MSDN Library articles that discuss how to use Microsoft® Jet SQL with data from an Access 2000 database.
- Microsoft Jet SQL for Access 2000 - Sample 3 These three downloadable samples are provided in conjunction with a series of MSDN Library articles that discuss how to use Microsoft® Jet SQL with data from an Access 2000 database.
- Northwind Traders Direct Sample Application Northwind Traders Direct is a simple e-commerce application that uses data access pages, frames, and cookies. It was created using Microsoft® FrontPage® 2000 and Microsoft Access 2000.
- Using ADO with the Microsoft Jet Provider Sample Provides a guide to revising code that uses Microsoft Data Access Objects (DAO) into code that uses Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), as well as a guide to writing new code using ADO with the Microsoft Jet Provider.
- Access 2002: Create Dynamic Reports in Access Sample Files Sample files for use with the article Create Dynamic Reports in Access Using Linked Tables.
- Access 2002 Update: Additional Help Files This downloadable file contains the most current Microsoft Access 2002 Help files and replaces the existing ones.
- Access 2002 Add-in: Expanded Help File Access 2002 online Help with pre-expanded content for screen readers.
- Access 2000 and SQL Server 2000 Readiness Update The Access 2000 and SQL Server 2000 Readiness Update improves the way in which Microsoft Access 2000 works with Microsoft SQL Server 2000.
- Access 97 White Paper: Internet Replication
- Access 97 Internet ActiveX Sample Database
- Access 2.0 Sample Database Containing 19 Modules of Access Basic Code
- Access 7.0 Sample Database Containing 19 Modules of Visual Basic for Applications Code (Neatcode.exe) Neatcode.mdb is a Microsoft Access for Windows 95 version 7.0 sample database that contains 19 sample modules of Visual Basic for Applications code. Topics include complex math, statistics, OLE Automation, data access objects, and more.
- Access 7.0 Add-in: Replica to Regular Database Wizard (Wzrplrgl.exe) This file contains an add-in for Microsoft Access 95 that enables you to convert the Design Master database from a replica set to its original, nonreplicated state.
- Access 97 Add-in: Replica to Regular Database Wizard (Wzrprg97.exe) This file contains an add-in for Microsoft Access 97 that enables you to convert the Design Master database from a replica set to its original, nonreplicated state.
- Access 7.0 White Paper: Porting 16-bit Applications to 32-bit Versions (Accport.exe) The Accport.exe file contains a document which discusses how to port 16-bit Microsoft Office applications (with code written in the Microsoft Excel macro language (XLM), WordBasic, Visual Basic for Applications, or Access Basic) to 32-bit versions for use in Windows 95 and Windows NT.
- Access 97 Knowledge Base Help Files Knowlege Base (KB) Help file containing all KB articles for Microsoft Access 97 published on or prior to April 18, 1997.
- Access 97 Document: Conversion White Paper Contains a Microsoft Word document called "Microsoft Access 97 Conversion White Paper." This document contains a discussion on potential issues arising from the conversion of Microsoft Access version 1.x, 2.0, and 7.0 databases to Microsoft Access 97.
- Access 7.0 Viewable Wizard Code: WzTool70.mda (wztool70.exe) In the retail version of Microsoft Access for Windows 95 version 7.0, you can't view the Visual Basic for Applications code for wizards. This file contains a special version of the wizard that has viewable wizard code for developers to use as a learning tool.
- Access 97 Treeview Control Wizard (WzTreevw.exe) The WzTreevw.mde file is a Treeview Control Wizard for Microsoft Access 97. When you insert a Treeview Control on your form with this wizard installed, the wizard will guide you through configuring the Treeview Control.
- Excel 5.0 DLL Files for Developers To Access Excel 5.0c: Xlodbc.xla and Xlodbc.dll (Xlodbc.exe) These files are made available to allow third-party developers quick and easy access to these files in the event that they do not have access to the full version of Microsoft Excel version 5.0c.
- Excel 2000 Help File: Running Excel 4.0 Macros Download the complete Help file for the Microsoft Excel 4.0 macro functions (XLM macro functions). You can then access this information from the Office Assistant when you use these functions in Microsoft Excel 2000.
- Import and Link Exchange/Outlook Wizards for Access 97 Use the Import Exchange/Outlook Wizard or the Link Exchange/Outlook Wizard to import or link a Microsoft Exchange or Microsoft Outlook folder or address book to a Microsoft Access table.
- Partial Replica Wizard for Access 97 With the Partial Replica Wizard, you can create a partial replica without programming. Specify a filter expression for a table, and the wizard sets the Data Access Objects (DAO) properties and uses the DAO methods for you.
- Access 2000 Tutorial: Northwind Traders Sample Database You can use the Northwind Traders sample database as a tool to help you learn Access 2000. Experiment with the data stored in Northwind, and use the forms, reports, and other database objects as models for your own database.
- Access 97 Relationship Print Wizard In response to a long-standing request from our developers, Microsoft® Access proudly presents the Print Relationships Wizard.
Friday, March 24, 2006
You can use these free SQL Server Reporting 2005 Services report packs as templates to quickly author and distribute new interactive reports.
Readme Files for SQL Server 2005 SP1 and SQL Server 2005 SP1 Express Editions and Tools Before you install SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 1 (SP1) or SQL Server 2005 SP1 Express editions and tools, review the readme for information about installing SP1 and to learn about common issues that can impact your installation experience or use of the product.
Tracking the delay in Windows Vista, Microsoft confirmed late Thursday that it is also pushing the launch of Office 2007 to next year.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Process Explorer, from Sysinternals, is an advanced process management application that tells you what is running under 32/64-bit Windows, how those running processes affect other processes, and their use of system resources.
System Requirements: Microsoft® Debugging Tools for Windows® - dbghelp.dll
Price: Free!
Details: The main screen shows the processes running on your PC in a treeview. Each process is listed with its icon, a process id, current CPU utilization, a description, and the maker. You can search for processes by handle or the DLL a handle has loaded, and find more for information about a process from the Web by right-clicking on it in the tree.
Recommendation: MS TechNet Magazine April 2006 - ToolBox: New Products for IT Professionals
MSDN blogger, Eric Rucker, in his What's New In Access 2007 blog, provides an illustrated exposition of the new ribbon navigation paradigm.
Hotfix for SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4 - Build 2187 This just released cumulative hotfix package contains all hotfixes available in SQL Server 2000 Build 2187. For users of the MSDE for Access 2000 or later, this page contains full details of the update as it applies to MSDE 2000. The English language download file is SQL2000.MSDE-KB884525-SP4-x86-LLL.exe (56mb).
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Microsoft Pre-Release Software Visual Studio Tools For Office "v3" - March Community Technology Preview (CTP) Microsoft has provided a version of the Visual Studio Tools for Office "v3" for the users of the Beta 1 Technical Refresh of Microsoft Office 2007.
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Veteran Access guru, Roger Jennings, in the first Access book I ever read, Access 2 Developers Handbook, described Access security as "labyrinthine". He wasn't exaggerating.
Garry Robinson, of, has recently published a book that guides you through the labrynth, Real World Microsoft Access Database Protection and Security, from A!Press.
Read all about it on Garry's Access site. A sample chapter of the book was featured on MSDN.

I have just launched the new Version 2.0 of The Executive Assistant - CRM System with Integrated Executive Diary Management, which alllows executives to:
- Easily manage Clients, Contacts, Client Visits, and Internal Meetings
- Quickly create detailed Visit and Meeting Reports
- Built-in Visit scheduling
- Automated email distribution
- Comprehensive reporting
New in Version 2.0:
- Contact Interests tracking
- Event and Marketing Campaign management
- Modern Windows Vista-themed GUI
- Visits Alerts and overdue visit monitoring
- Client address information
- More comprehensive reporting options
The Executive Assistant is used by senior executives at Munich Re Australia, Samsung Fire & Marine, and UBS.
The Version 1.0 .mde application is now free!
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Latest Access KB Articles courtesy of
Access 97
128195 ACC: Commands Not Available During BeforeUpdate Event
139024 OFF: Extract Command Copies Cabinet File Structure
Access 2000
913296 Jet 4.0 data engine update fixes issues that may occur on a Windows XP-based computer
207816 ACC2000: Lookup Wizard Fails with Certain Data Types in Tables
197589 ACC2000: Exporting SQL Specific Query to HTML Causes Error
209661 ACC2000: "Couldn't Find Input Table or Query" Error Message
Access 2002
284463 OFFXP: You Cannot Select "Run from CD" During Installation
280565 OFFXP: Office Shortcut Bar Buttons Remain After Office 2000 Programs Are Removed
290162 OFFXP: User-Modified Files Removed When You Remove Office
280564 OFFXP: Setup.exe Stops Responding When Network Connection Is Interrupted
290167 OFFXP: UserName and CompanyName Fields Not Set to Blank
274388 OFFXP: Your "Features to Install" Settings Are Not Saved During Office Setup
913471 Description of the updates for Office XP: March 14, 2006
Access 2003
905645 Description of the Security Update for Office 2003: February 14, 2006
914830 Access 2003 may not start as expected after you install Office 2003 SP2
902445 Description of the Access 2003 post-Service Pack 2 hotfix package: January 24, 2006
914907 The installation of an update for an Office 2003 program may not be completed successfully after you run the Disk Cleanup tool
913581 Description of the Office 2003 post-Service Pack 2 hotfix package for the Portuguese (Brazilian) version of Office 2003: February 1, 2006
913420 Error message when you try to repair, reinstall, or add a component to an Office 2003 program and you use a Local Installation Source: "Installation Error: File Not Found"
915058 Description of the Office 2003 post-Service Pack 2 hotfix package: February 27, 2006
913571 Description of the updates for Office 2003: March 14, 2006
900459 Description of the Office 2003 post-Service Pack 2 hotfix package: February 24, 2006
Friday, March 17, 2006
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Community Pack for SQL Server 2005 CTP Download the Community Technology Preview (CTP) of the Community Pack for Microsoft SQL Server 2005, a collection of standalone install packages that provide additional value for SQL Server 2005.

Office 2007 features a new default XML file format. This article from explains the developer benefits provided bythe new Office Open XML File formats, and includes a sample application that illustrates how the new file formats enable Office document generation.
SQL Server 2005 SP1 Express Editions and Tools CTP Download Community Technology Preview (CTP) SQL Server Express or SQL Server Express with Advanced Services. Also download SQL Server Management Studio Express and the SQL Server Express Toolkit.
SQL Server 2005 SP1 CTP Download the Community Technology Preview (CTP) of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 1.
SQL Server 2005 Books Online SP1 CTP (March 2006) Download an updated version of the documentation and tutorials for Microsoft SQL Server 2005.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
The latest Office updates, including critical security patches for Office XP, can be downloaded from the Microsoft Office Online Downloads site:
Security Update for Excel 2003 (KB905756)
A security vulnerability exists in Microsoft Office Excel 2003 that could allow
arbitrary code to run when opening a malicious document. This update addresses
that vulnerability.
Security Update for Excel 2002 (KB905755)
A security vulnerability exists in Microsoft Excel 2002 that could allow
arbitrary code to run when opening a malicious document. This update addresses
that vulnerability.
Security Update for Excel 2000 (KB905757)
A security vulnerability exists in Microsoft Excel 2000 that could allow
arbitrary code to run when opening a malicious document. This update addresses
that vulnerability.
Security Update for Excel Viewer 2003 (KB914451)
A security vulnerability exists in Microsoft Office Excel Viewer 2003 that could
allow arbitrary code to run when opening a malicious document. This update
addresses that vulnerability.
Security Update for PowerPoint 2002 (KB905758)
A security vulnerability exists in Microsoft PowerPoint 2002 that could allow
arbitrary code to run when opening a malicious document. This update addresses
that vulnerability.
Security Update for PowerPoint 2000 (KB905555)
A security vulnerability exists in Microsoft PowerPoint 2000 that could allow
arbitrary code to run when opening a malicious document. This update addresses
that vulnerability.
Security Update for Outlook 2002 (KB905649)
A security vulnerability exists in Microsoft Outlook 2002 that could allow
arbitrary code to run when opening a malicious document. This update addresses
that vulnerability.
Security Update for Outlook 2000 (KB905646)
A security vulnerability exists in Microsoft Outlook 2000 that could allow
arbitrary code to run when opening a malicious document. This update addresses
that vulnerability.
Security Update for Office 2000 Multilanguage Pack (KB905646)
A security vulnerability exists in Microsoft Office 2000 that could allow
arbitrary code to run when opening a maliciously modified document. This update
resolves that vulnerability when Office 2000 is used with a Multilanguage Pack.
Security Update for Office XP Multilingual User Interface Pack (KB905649)
A security vulnerability exists in Microsoft Office XP that could allow
arbitrary code to run when opening a malicious document. This update resolves
that vulnerability when Office XP is used with a Multilingual User Interface
Security Update for Word 2002 (KB905754)
A Security vulnerability exists in Microsoft Word 2002 that could allow
arbitrary code to run when opening a malicious document. This update addresses
that vulnerability.
Security Update for Word 2000 (KB905553)
Security vulnerability exists in Microsoft Word 2000 that could allow arbitrary
code to run when opening a malicious document. This update addresses that
Update for Office 2003 Proofing Tools (KB913571)
This update to Microsoft Office 2003 Proofing Tools improves how Office 2003
finds and corrects errors in Dutch language documents. This update includes
previously released security updates for Office 2003 Proofing Tools.
Update for Office 2003 Multilingual User Interface Pack (KB913571)
This update to Microsoft Office 2003 Multilingual User Interface Pack (MUI)
improves how Office 2003 finds and corrects errors in Dutch language documents.
This update includes previously released security updates for Office 2003 MUI.
Update for Office 2003 (KB913571)
Microsoft has released an update to the spelling checker for Microsoft Office
2003. This update significantly improves how Office 2003 programs find and
correct errors in Dutch language documents.
Update for Office XP (KB913471)
Microsoft has released an update to the spelling checker for Microsoft Office
XP. This update significantly improves how Office XP programs find and correct
errors in Dutch language documents.
Update for Office XP Proofing Tools (KB913471)
This update to Microsoft Office XP Proofing Tools improves how Office XP finds
and corrects errors in Dutch language documents.
Update for Outlook 2003 (KB913807)
This update to Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 corrects a problem that may occur
when you use the CreateItemFromTemplate method programmatically to create a
form. This update includes previously released security updates for Outlook
Update for Outlook 2003 Junk Email Filter (KB913161)
This update provides the Junk E-mail Filter in Microsoft Office Outlook 2003
with a more current definition of which e-mail messages should be considered
junk e-mail. This update was released in March 2006.
Update for Project 2003 Multilingual User Interface Pack (KB913571)
This update to Microsoft Office Project 2003 Multilingual User Interface Pack (MUI)
improves how Project 2003 finds and corrects errors in Dutch language documents.
This update includes previously released security updates for Project 2003 MUI.
Update for Visio 2003 Multilingual User Interface Pack (KB913571)
This update to Microsoft Office Visio 2003 Multilingual User Interface Pack (MUI)
improves how Visio 2003 finds and corrects errors in Dutch language documents.
This update includes previously released security updates for Visio 2003 MUI.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
This subscription portal offers 16 courses and 10 online books. The self-paced e-learning courses will help you become familiar with the basic and advanced features and tools of Microsoft Office 2003 and its component applications via interactive simulations that provide hands-on practice to master specific tasks. They also include skills assessments to help pinpoint the areas where training can have the most impact. In addition, these courses can be downloaded for offline use for the length of your subscription so you can learn even when you’re not connected to the Internet. The online books provide a searchable, just-in-time source of information to give you quick answers to specific problems as you encounter them. Together, these learning resources can help you to be more productive and effective with Microsoft Office 2003.
A One Subscription Year costs US$169.99.
The offer includes the following:
Course 4100: Core Training for Microsoft® Office Access 2003
Course 4101: Advanced Training for Microsoft® Office Excel 2003
Course 4102: Advanced Training for Microsoft® Office Word 2003
Course 4103: Core Training for Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® 2003
Course 4104: Core Training for Microsoft® Office Outlook® 2003
Course 4105: Core Training for Microsoft® Office Word 2003
Course 4106: Core Training for Microsoft® Office Excel 2003
Course 4107: Advanced Training for Microsoft® Office Outlook® 2003
Course 4108: Core Training for Microsoft® Office FrontPage® 2003
Course 4109: Core Training for Microsoft® Office OneNote® 2003
Course 4110: Core Training for Microsoft® Office Professional Enterprise Edition 2003
Course 4111: Core Training for Microsoft® Office Project 2003
Course 4112: Core Training for Microsoft® Office Visio® Standard 2003
Course 4113: Designing Forms Using Microsoft® Office InfoPath® 2003
Course 4117: Working with Forms Using Microsoft® Office InfoPath® 2003
What's New in Microsoft® Office Professional Enterprise Edition 2003
Beyond Bullet Points: Using Microsoft® PowerPoint® to Create Presentations That Inform, Motivate, and Inspire
Introducing Microsoft® Office InfoPath™ 2003
Microsoft® Office Access 2003 Inside Out
Microsoft® Office Excel 2003 Inside Out
Microsoft® Office FrontPage® 2003 Inside Out
Microsoft® Office Outlook® 2003 Inside Out
Microsoft® Office Project 2003 Inside Out
Microsoft® Office System Inside Out - 2003 Edition
Microsoft® Office Visio® 2003 Inside Out
Microsoft® Office Word 2003 Inside Out
Monday, March 13, 2006
The new version of my very popular Vista-Style Switchboard for MS Access features an Office 2007 ribbon bar-style menu/toolbar:

Buy the source code to use the GUI in your own Access applications. Download the demos.
I have just released my Custom Form and Report Design Toolbar: a handy Custom Toolbar for Access, giving you faster and less tedious resizing and positioning of form and report controls. Download the .mdb and import the Toolbar into any Access97 or later database.

An neat shortcut using the Toolbar: resize a selected group of controls to match the smallest or largest of a group, in just two mouse-clicks:
Match largest >>

Match smallest >>

Friday, March 10, 2006
New articles on this portal:
- Improve Your Outlook with Visual Studio Tools for Office This article walks you through a sample add-in application for Outlook 2003 as well as showing off some of the things that are possible when creating an Outlook add-in solution using the Visual Studio Tools for Office 2005.
- Extending Enterprise Applications with Microsoft Outlook: Architectural Design Guide
Take a first-hand look at the architectural design and sample code that demonstrates an
approach for integrating enterprise CRM and other LOB application data into the Microsoft Outlook user interface.
Friday, March 03, 2006

Learning Resources for Visual Basic Express
Microsoft has launched the Absolute Beginner’s Video Series for learning the basics of creating applications using Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition. The series includes over 10 hours of video-based instruction that walks you through creating your first "Hello World" application to a fully functioning RSS Reader application. Sample projects covered in the videos can be downloaded.
You can also download a Supplemental Readings paper, which is also an excellent introduction to computers and programming generally, including chapters on:
- What is Computer Programming
- Object Oriented Programming
- What is the .NET Framework?
- Creating and Obtaining Data from a Database
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Office 2003 SP 2 White Paper Covers the advantages of deploying Microsoft Office 2003 Service Pack 2 by using the local installation source with client updating, OHotfix.exe, and OHotfix.ini.