Free MS Access Databases and Templates
For those who are not aware of the many free databases available for download from this post features all current downloads with direct links.
Recent Additions:Access 2003 versions of the Advanced Issues Tracker database, and a new Case (Project) Manager Access 2003 database.
There is also a new Donations database for Access 2000 or later.
All these databases have modern GUI's and enhanced functionality. All except the Donations MDB use only embedded macros and are aimed at introducing new users to the code-free capabilities of Access. All code is exposed.
Other Open Code Databases:
These databases can be run in Access 97/2000/2002/2003/2007.
Service Call Management Developed using the Database Wizard -tracks workorders, parts, and labour inputs. Invoice generater etc. Additional code adds inventory tracking. Remove sample data before use.
Managers For divisional managers. Review managers and staff by division. Remove sample data before use.
Resumes For personnel managers. Review staff and resumes by region. Remove sample data before use.
Client & Contact Manager Based on the Access97 Database Wizard -tracks all clients and contacts, import data from Outlook, mail-merge and more. Additional code adds client data and admin functions. Remove sample data before use. Access2000 version
Subscriptions Manager Tracks subscribers by name and organisation, label and envelope wizards, mail-merge and more. Remove sample data before use.
Access2000 versionFREE Fully Featured Applications:
The source code .mdb for the following databases can be purchased for only US$40 each. Secure payment with PayPal. Files will be e-mailed. Order
These databases can be run in Access 97/2000/2002/2003/2007. Download the Access2000 versions to run in Access 2000/2002/2003/2007.
SMS Call Logging DB Application NEW Updated GUI for Access 2000 version (
Download includes both Access97 and Access2000 versions) SMS - Service Management System - is a fully integrated and comprehensive Service/Maintenance Contract Call and Revenue Management Database Application.
FreeTLT HRIS DB Application NEW Updated GUI for Access 2000 version (Download includes both Access97 and Access2000 versions) Free TLT is a comprehensive HRIS application that tracks employee leave and training, with training profiles and extensive reporting. Review leave and training in the daily, weekly, and monthly look-aheads. Use the exclusive TLT SmartToolbar to filter and find records in all forms. Full Details
Mailing List Manager NEW Updated GUI for Access 2000 version Features a new Access navigation paradigm. Manage large mailing lists, print labels, envelopes, export data to delimited files for mail merges, check data integrity, and advanced filtering.
Access2000 versionDocument Tracker NEW Updated GUI for Access 2000 version With an optional automated Word front-end. Document management system. Automatic document referencing and creation. Version 2.3 adds the Word template and adds a Title field to the table tblAuthors. The Title for the selected Author is automatically picked up in a new Word document based on the template. Users can now use use Word to create and manage documents without opening Access. Access2000 version
Meeting Tracker NEW Updated GUI for Access 2000 version Create Tasks, allocate responsibility to a Task Owner, assign people to Task Teams, record meetings and attendance. An instant Meeting Summary Report can be printed, emailed or exported to Word or Excel.
Access2000 versionProgram Manager NEW Updated GUI for Access 2000 and Access 2002 versions A complete business solution. Manages Clients, Contacts, and Client Programs. Allows multiple contacts for each client, and individual address and contact details for each contact. Nominate separate client program and invoicing contacts. Full reporting and database maintenance. 22May01- new version allows update of Countries field in address table. Access2000 version or Access2002 version
Project Manager NEW Updated GUI for Access 2000 version Fully featured business application for project tracking and control in a business unit.
Access2000 versionSales Manager NEW Updated GUI for Access 2000 version The Sales Manager is a fully-featured sales management application with comprehensive reporting and product-costing functionality. Access2000 version
Contractor Tracker NEW Updated GUI for Access 2000 version The ultimate contractor tracking and control application. Remove sample data before using.
Access2000 version