Thursday, September 21, 2006

Easy Make-Over for Your Access Applications

Want to give your Access97-2003 applications a quick make-over to an Access2007/Windows Vista look?

Then follow these 10 easy steps:

  1. Download the free Access add-in, V-Tools, from
  2. Use the Deep Search tool from V-Tools to change the display Font for all controls, including command buttons in all forms to Frutiger Linotype and the FontSize to 9
  3. Change the BackColor for FormHeaders to 10058106
  4. Change the ForeColor for all display text in FormHeaders to 16777215
  5. Change the ForeColor for all other display text to 0
  6. Change the BackColor for all FormDetail sections and FormFooters to 16050158
  7. For all controls except labels change the following properties to:
    SpecialEffect - Flat
    BorderStyle - Solid
    BorderColor - 12632256
  8. For all labels change the following properties to:
    BackStyle - Transparent
    SpecialEffect - Flat
    BorderStyle - Transparent
  9. Check all labels for widening if a caption is cut-off
  10. For a consistent-look ensure you use only the Access-supplied icons for graphical command buttons.

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