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Many Access developers have asked for ADP versions of my very popular Access Switchboards.
The wait is over.
I have just uploaded the Demos package for the Access ADP Switchboards with Access 2007 Black Theme Triple Pack. Source code is only US$49.95.
The three demo projects feature cutting edge application navigation:
- Native SideBar Switchboard Manager - uses only native Access controls
- SideBar Switchboard - flexible freeware 3rd-party OCX royalty-free
- TreeView Switchboard - uses the royalty-free mscomctl.ocx tree-view control
When you purchase the source code ADPs, you also get the ADP SWB CSV Files Builder MDB Application, which is used to build the Switchboard Items table and automatically create the CSV files from that table’s records. The CSV files are then deployed with the ADP.

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Download the ADP Switchboard Demo.